Intro To AR (Augmented Reality) Art
Lesson Overview
Through this lesson students were introduced to the concept of AR art and contemporary artists that create AR artworks. They then got to collaborate with a peer to create their own AR art- to recognize that this kind of work is not outside their capabilities. At the end of this lesson students closed this experience with their partners by completing a closing reflection handout.
This lesson's Inspiring Artists
Carla Gannis │ Nancy Baker Cahill │ Jeff Koons

Student's Final Works
TOP ROW: Photographs of how the student drawings appeared in their sketchbooks.
BOTTOM ROW: Cell Phone Screen Shots of how student drawings appeared when viewed through ARTIVIVE app.

Stencil Art As Advocacy Lesson
Lesson Overview
Through this lesson Students discussed deeply about what advocacy is, learned about the process and purpose of stencil art, researched advocacy topics, learned how to create spray paint stencils (3 layers) to advocate a social issue and got to utilize digital fabrication technology.
This lesson's Inspiring Artists
John Fekner │ Banksy

Student's Final Works
Each student pursued their own advocacy topic to communicate through their stencil works, allowing for a diverse and eye opening discussion at their final critique.

Student Artwork Exhibition: